Grad School
I never wanted to go to grad school. It wasn't needed, nor did it fit into the life Plan A. However, Plan A isn't looking so hot so I need a Plan B. I don't really want to go on in my schooling (lazy), but a couple more years to figure out a back up plan and find a job to pay off loans would also be nice. Everyone and logic says it is the best thing to do if I can get accepted somewhere, laziness and immaturity say graduate and be done with it. I will have spent approx. one fourth of my life in school. I guess a couple more years to help make it more useful might not be too bad in the long run.
God, Father, I guess it's not very peaceful with me kicking and screaming here on your lap. Please help me know what you want me to do, and then please help me do it the way you want me to do it.
God, Father, I guess it's not very peaceful with me kicking and screaming here on your lap. Please help me know what you want me to do, and then please help me do it the way you want me to do it.
I'm not keen on you going just because I don't want you far away for more years. But I'm praying for His wisdom to be yours just the same.
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