Thursday, July 28, 2005


In complete humility I share with you all that I made some darn good peach milkshakes tonight! However, I could not always say that. The road to my milkshake making success has not always been smooth and creamy. There have been sharp and gritty experiences along the way. I guess the most important thing I have learned is that never, under any circumstance, stir the milkshake with a utencil (wooden or other) while the blender is still running. After I chopped off about a quarter of one of mom's wooden spoons, and had to pick wood splinters out of my entire milkshake I decided to never do such a thing again. From there it has only been learning how much milk and fruit or other flavorings to add to make the perfect glass of fantasy-like goodness. I am still perfecting my skills and techniques, but progress has been made (much to the satisfaction of my mother, my milkshake consumers, and myself)! To be completely honest though, I need to make an honorable mention of the ice cream for being the most perfect ingredient ever and covering over a multitude of wrongs. :)


Blogger Kevin said...

Well I just wanted to let you know that those were some quality milkshakes. Keep up the blending... without utensils.

7:01 AM  
Blogger Kimmy said...

Don't be humble, your shakes rock! At least the chocolate-banana ones do. Don't know bout the peach first hand but rumor has it they were great too.

2:10 PM  

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