Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I'm losing it. Or I just didn't have much to begin with. I have been thinking that when I get married I should marry someone older because we will probably end up in the assisted living or nursing home at the same time. Otherwise I am going before him.:( Anyway, the event that inspired my present bablings(sp?) took place this morning when I made banana bread from some frozen bananas that I needed to get out of Rob and Eliza's freezer. In the middle I had to go get eggs because I forgot to check and see if we had any first. Then when I got back my mind was all on eggs. So I finished the stuff and it was a new recipe, but the batter is just the weirdest I've ever seen. Then as I am putting it in the oven it hits me that this soupy mixture is never going to cook because the flour is still sitting out untouched. Besides the initial feelings of idiocy:), I was also brought to the dreaded realization that this is only going to get worse as I get older. That means that when I'm old I'm not going to remember that I left out the flour until after I've cooked it for hours, if I remember at all! Well, one nice thing about poor memory is that those unpleasant realizations are easily and quickly forgotten! Before long I will continue along in my happy summer existance!!


Blogger Kimmy said...

Melissa, you amuse me so!
And don't worry, we all go a little mad sometimes.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Eliza Osborn said...

Banana pudding, banana bread -- there's no real diff, right?

I will say that the salvaged batter made for great breadness.

And you're gonna be so, so much fun when you're preggers. *smirk*

12:28 PM  

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