Day 1
One final (History and Politics of Russia) is down! I think I did alright on it, at least well enough to keep my A in the class I hope. One more exam to go at tomorrow morning at 8 for Hebrew.:( So not ready! That will be all for the test exams, but I will still have 3 papers left. The one due Thursday I have to read the book first and then do a critique type thing on it. One Friday I have one small paper that should only take a couple hours and then finish up the exam essays for another class. There are 9 of them but they only have to be 350-700 words and I already have some stuff written for them. Well, break over, I need to get back at it. Hebrew won't learn itself. That is my dream, but after being indoctinated by we know that we are not getting paid to believe in the power of our dreams so I need to get to work:)
Okay, what happened to Melissa, and who is doing all this blogging?
It's really me!! The stress has just been hightened this week, I don't have to be in class or at work very much this week, so I have been able to hang out here at the school with internet a lot more. Sometimes I also have just needed to take a break and think of things other than Russia, Hebrew, and Creation!
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