Friday, January 27, 2006

Scrubs & stupid vending machines

I'll come out and say it...I love Scrubs! But I have now watched all the episodes that I have on my computer thankgoodness!!! I can now return to normal school life where I actually can make myself sit down and do homework!!
And no, they don't have any connection other than that they were both on my mind at the same time but just like 5 minutes ago an evil vending machine stole my $1 bill and didn't give my any trail mix or change in return:( I was completely ticked.
On a different note, I am now done with my school day so the time to make a decision has come. Do I...
A. Go check out a job possiblity in Dayton (at the Elder Beerman destributing center)
B. Go home, eat lunch, and start homework
C. Go treat myself to a nice lunch somewhere just for kicks
D. Go see a movie
E. A combination of some of the above choices

Maybe I'll go with A and C. Do something good and then something fun! I hope there is not any wrong answers. I very pathetically don't have the answers to my quiz. However, that produces a win/win situation for me! If I pick the right answer I win and if I pick a wrong answer I 9or anybody) won't know so in essense I win again! "I win! I win!"
Oh, I did somehow win down here in southern Ohio when it comes to nice, though maybe lying, friends. For the last three weeks of bible study I have made some kind of food to share because after our discussion we always sit around and talk and eat. Well, the first week I made the tried and true soft pretzel recipe that I have made before (albeit 5yrs ago) but Rob for one likes it (and I'm guessing the group does too because I took a big plate of them and they were cleaned out). The next two weeks however, I made...attempted...experiments of herb pull apart bread and an ice cream roll. Though they were not flops they were not to die for. Partly due to the recipe, but probably more to do with the maker (=me). It didn't seem to matter though because they always say it is very good and thank me for bringing it. I'm just no so sure, but hey, I still win because I don't really know what they think:) "I win! I win!"


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