pink ball
Something really momentous happened today in my life. Today I decided to relive one of my childhood pastimes...I took a walk through the pasture to the golf course to look for golf balls!!! I probably even looked like a kid in my old clothes, big barn boots that came up almost to my knees, walking stick in one hand (to poke around in the brush with or ward of coyotes if need be now that I don't have Buckley to throw at them first should they actually appear:), and a white sock in the other hand. I carried one of Dad's big socks (like old times), and stretched it out (like old times) to twice its size with the 24 golf balls that I found. Oh Yeah!!!! It would probably be really bad to be playing golf with your friends and suck so bad that you hit your balls into the underbrush along side the fairway and lose them. But it provides sport for me so its cool those kind golfer-wannabe-greats are out there. Anyhow, growing up I always wanted to find a pink golf ball-quite rare finds. I only remember Rob finding like 1 or 2 of them. So, all through my childhood I searched for a totally sweet pink golf ball, but it was all for naught...until today! Finally at age 21 I found the most beautiful pink golf ball I have ever seen!!!:) My life is now fulfilled.
You simply must post a photo of this wonderful pink ball!
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