I got a car!

This is not my actual car but it looks exactly like it. In all reality this blog is 4 days late. I really got the car last Friday, but most of you that read my blog and/or care that I just bought a car already knew about it. However, I decided that despite the interest, or lack thereof, of my readers I wanted to blog about getting the car so that someday I could look back and actually see when it took place. My memory is notoriously bad and in just a couple months (if not before) I will already be having trouble remembering when this momentous occasion took place. Well, momentous in that this is the first time I have actually paid for a car and had it in my name. Maybe I should be a little more honest and say that this is the first time I have actually borrowed money to buy a car and had to pay the insurance on it. Call me the moocher that I probably am but my totally awesome older brother has supplied me with my previous means of vehicular transportation, and since the insurance agency never noticed that I was added to the policy (or something like that) I have never had to pay insurance. :) Well, poor Rob was billed for the cars that were in his name but like the moocher I am I let him continue to pay it all.
So, before I forget, the new beauty is a '98 Malibu. It is white with about 114,000 miles on it. The interior is pretty good, a little wear and tear but not too bad. The worst part is that it smells like a detailed car. I hate that smell but it isn't as strong as it used to be. Maybe it helped that in the first 2 nights that I had it I drove home from my friends farm smelling like manure. All I can say is "Yea for cows!":)
Congrats Melissa! I am glad you decided to blog about it, cause I for one hadn't heard the news yet.
I had not heard about it, either. Good for you! I remember my first car - ahhhh, the freedom of having your own wheels, and the bondage of having your own car/insurance payment ;)
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