Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Yep, it was dispensed upon my unworthy self this morning!!! My Hebrew class with it's quiz over ch.7 vocab., which I didn't study until last night at like 10, was cancelled. God has been really nice to me like that lately. I'm not always so sure it's God though as opposed to coincedence or luck. I mean, I have been getting some good grades lately that I really shouldn't have and I don't know why God would help me like that when my forgetfulness had me sckrewed.
For example, I had an exam a week ago from Tuesday that I completely forgot about, even the paper that we were to have written prior to class for half of the exam grade. I couldn't even remember what the topic of the paper was supposed to be. How sad is that!?!?! Anyway, I had to wing the inclass part of the exam, but it so happened that it was only multiple choice and though I didn't do so hot I still did better than I would have if it had been essays or something like that. I thought I was done for but in the end my prof let me turn in the paper a day late (and he didn't take any points off for anything on it) and the questions on the exam were only worth one point. So overall I got a 92 on the exam. That is just not right somehow! You are supposed to work for grades like that!
Anyway, I am totally not complaining but just very amazed.